
Check out some of my favorite Documentaries, Scientists, Industry Leaders, and DIY/PDFs 

Back To Eden, YouTube – Paul Gauci describes his landscape journey with God’s gift to mankind. He has not watered his orchard for over 30 years!

Kiss The Ground documentary Trailer (Movie Available on Netflix)  Several Soil Scientists and advocates introduce the climate crisis and how changing our attitude towards soil microbiome can save our planet.

Common Ground  The Sequel to Kiss the Ground has arrived! Common Ground now showing in limited release across the country.  This one tells in all.  From the landslide $25 billion dollar Monsanto/Bayer Glyphosate settlement to how regenerative agriculture, with the help of microbes, draws carbon out of the atmosphere. 


Meet the microbes! a microscopy session illustrating bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, microarthropods, a Tardigrade or Moss Piggy, and a diatom, algae family.  All found in my yard and compost pile.  These are the critters you need to do all the work in the garden for you.


Fantastic Fungi, Netflix – Right under out feet?! Yes! Imagine an organism that feeds you, heals you, reveals Nature’s secrets, and could help save the planet. Find it in this incredible documentary


Dr. David Johnson:  UPDATE: 

Research on carbon sequestration After I read his paper, I decided to honor my grandchildren by devoting the rest of my life to climate action through soil. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Won’t you join me. Do it FOR YOUR KIDS! 


Dr. Elaine Ingham and the Soil Food Web School. an assortment of animations, case studies, school information, Labs and Consultants.


Check out these quick animations from Dr. Elaine Ingham, Soil Food Web School.

WHAT IS THE SOIL FOOD WEB?, how do soil microbes CYCLE NUTRIENTS, how do soil microbes protect plants from PESTS AND DISEASES, how do soil microbes protect plants from WEEDS, how do soil microbes BUILD SOIL STRUCTURE, In the soil, and how do soil microbes SEQUESTER CARBON !!!


Dan Kitteridge, Bio-Nutrient Food Association.  Working on a handheld refractometer device to gauge the nutritional value of foods at point of purchase.  Can you imagine?!? Point at the vegetable and it will tell you if there is any nutritional value.  That will make conventional farming obsolete.  Because to get the nutrients into the food we need the microbes in the soil, not the oil-based chemicals currently used!

Dr. Christine Jones (quick clip and link to the full webinar) on the Brix readings can tell you a lot about your soil health

Dr. Christine Jones (quick clip and link to the full webinar) on the importance of BRIX readings.

Dr. Christine Jones (quick clip and link to the full webinar) on fungi and the Soil Carbon Cycle

Linda Chalker Scott on Mulching with wood chips (quick clip and link to the full webinar) regarding the question of pathogens in wood chips 

Linda Chalker Scott  (quick clip and link to the full webinar) on the drawbacks to sheet mulching 

Don Huber Professor Emeritus Purdue University : Want to know the truth about glyphosate?  How it locks up nutrients, removing them from our foods, that it was patented as an antibiotic, promotes pathogenic soil conditions, affects gut microbiome?


The effects of 40 of the most commonly used garden chemicals

 Timelapse healing a finger. This is what the soil does as well.  No matter what happens it will continue to heal itself.  Starting with bacteria that attracts pests and weeds to cover the soil and add organic matter.  Once established the organic matter attracts fungi

Glyphosate on Microbes  I wanted to see for myself so I took a soil sample, placed it on the slide and added a drop of round-up, main ingredient glyphosate, to the other side of the slide.


Sierra Club, National Sierra Club commercial composting webinar 10/27/21, regarding the danger of sewer sludge or Biosolids in bagged soil sold to the public


Dr. Rob Lustig Several videos about the chemicals in food, the dangers of junk food, and what we can do about it.  He says protect your liver and feed your gut microbiome, how? Hint: eat organic and eat a lot of fiber!


Environmental Working Group (EWG), they test produce and products for toxins to help you make informed decisions.  They publish the dirty dozen and the clean fifteen lists of fruits and vegetables.


Besides the above information, follow some of my favorite soil Scientists and industry Leaders on YouTube:

Ray Archuleta, Farming, Understanding AG

Gabe Brown, Farming, Understanding AG

Dr. Elaine Ingham, How it all works, Microbes

Charles Dowding, NO DIG 40+ years Market gardening, side by side trials of NO DIG

Beyond Pesticides, Watch Dog Group up to date information on issues

Dr. David Johnson, Climate/soil research, He’s got the data

Joel Salatin, Polyface Farms, regenerative farm

Will Harris, White Oak Farms, regenerative farm

Making Your Own Compost: There are several techniques for making compost. The type you choose will depend on your space, available time to devote, and access to inputs or ingredients.  From a one-year static system to a 21-day thermophilic system. 

 Choosing a composting system.

Thank you for caring about our planet.